Easy, Cheesy, Cabbage Rolls! – Made with Red Cabbage

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Mmm……. Try this yummy family sized dinner! (8-10 rolls!) It’s so easy, savoury and delicious, you’ll want to eat another one…. and another one! Trust me — I just ate 4! (Ooops!!!)
What you’ll need:
– 2 cups of rice (I like to use wild long grain mixed with regular)
– 1 package of hamburger
– 1 medium onion (diced)
– 1 package of mushrooms (chopped)
– 2 packets of chicken bullion
– 2 tblsp of Worcestershire sauce
– 4 dashes of hot sauce
– 1/2 tsp of thyme
– 1/4 tsp of salt
– 1/4 tsp of pepper
– 1 can of tomatoes (diced)
– 1 can of tomato soup
– 2 cups of old cheddar cheese (shredded)
– 1 red cabbage (green works just as well!)
Step 1: In a super-big frying pan, add mushrooms, onions, hamburger, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, thyme, salt and pepper. Fry on medium heat.
Step 2: Prepare rice in a separate pot.
Step 3: Once both are ready, combine the rice  into the hamburger mixture. Then add the bullion cubes, 3/4 of the chopped tomatoes, and 1/4 of the can of tomato soup. Stir and simmer on low.
Step 4: Boil and peel cabbage.
Step 5: Put about 1/2 cup of the rice mixture onto 1 cabbage leaf, sprinkle with cheese, and roll. Repeat for about 9 more rolls, placing each roll into a rectangular, oven-safe baking dish. 
Step 6: Combine the remaining diced tomatoes and tomato soup in a separate bowl, and then pour over the cabbage rolls. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top, and cover with foil.
Step 7: Bake in the oven for 1 hour at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Serving Tip! – If I have any remaining rice leftover,  I will make a bed of rice on the plate to lay my cabbage roll on. I then add a dollop of sour cream, and chives to garnish… (Sooooo YUMMY!!!!)
 Check out The Proper Way & Easy Way to De-Leaf a Cabbage!