Aww, cutsie-little toddler toes! My two-year old beautiful daughter, Miss Lacee Grace, just loves having her nails done! The only problem is…. that she is two going on ten — and now thinks she can paint her nails all by herself! Eeeek!!! Yes, go ahead and judge my parenting skills — epic fail, I know! No matter where I hide it, that little one always finds it! And so, hence today’s post: How to Easily Remove Nail Polish from your Carpet! I thought that it was going to be a super-difficult task, but it turns out that it was way easier to get the nail polish out than I ever would have expected! (And as you can see, my carpet is unfortunately, white-ish!)
Let me introduce you to my new secret-little-weapon — Rubbing Alcohol! That’s all you need here…. well, a little bit of rubbing alcohol, some cold water to rinse at the end, and an old rag! So simple!
The first thing that I did was pour some rubbing alcohol on the stain, and let it soak into the carpet for about 10 minutes.

Next, I took an old rag and started scrubbing! Scrub, scrub, scrub! (If it doesn’t seem to be coming out easily, try adding just a little more rubbing alcohol while you are scrubbing!)

And to my amazement — It started working! See?! See?!

I scrubbed for about two minutes, and then it was all clean! Next I rinsed my rag with cold water and gave the carpet another little scrub just to help dilute any rubbing alcohol that hadn’t fully evaporated yet.

I couldn’t believe how well and how fast this trick worked!
[If you are interested in some more handy tips and tricks that my amazing, new secret-little-weapon — Rubbing Alcohol, is also really good at, check out this post from my friend Courtenay, over at The Creek Line House: 10 Almost Life-Changing Uses for Rubbing Alcohol!]