Farmhouse-Style Faux Foliage for Your Home

Beautiful Farmhouse-Style Faux Foliage for Your Home!

Beautiful farmhouse-style faux foliage! Are you like me, and have a tough time keeping houseplants watered, luscious, and well, just plain alive?! Check out this list to find beautiful farmhouse plants for your home, that allow you to skip the work and skip the watering!

So many people have given me houseplants over the years, that I could quote-on-quote, “Could never kill, even if I tried!”… Well sorry, but the little guys just never really made it longer than a month or two! I think it’s one of those out of sight, out of mind kind of things, maybe?

I forget that my houseplants exist, then somehow they make their way back into my tunnel-vision scope of reality, and I then feel so bad for letting them get so thirsty, that I completely over-water them, and they end up dying anyways! Poor things! Continue reading

DIY Giant Patio Clock (Farmhouse Style)

Learn how to make your very own DIY Giant Patio Clock!

Have you noticed lately, that everyone’s clocks seem to be a lot bigger than they used to be?! They are huge these days, and in my opinion, just beautiful!

The only problem is, that they tend to be on the more expensive side… That’s why I decided to DIY my very own giant patio clock, out of an old tabletop!

This summer, I’ve really been trying to make my porch and patio the perfect outdoor family relaxation space…

My budget was pretty tight this year, so I pretty much tried to DIY just about everything that we needed out there, including my latest addition, my DIY Giant Patio Clock!

I had this old table sitting out in The Project Pile, that I had picked up on the side of the road for free, probably before I even had kids… Wow – that seems like forever ago!

The tabletop was in kind of rough shape, and was also the perfect size to hang right above my DIY Bench, so I decided to go for it! Continue reading