Get More out of your Hamburger Helper

Mmm…. I LOVE Hamburger Helper! It is my super-easy, just got home from work, go-to dinner. The only problem is, that now that we are a family of three, there is just never enough of it! Here is a super-duper-easy way to GET MORE out of your Hamburger Helper! 🙂Get MoreAll you need is 1 extra cup of noodles, 1 can of Tomato Soup, and 1 extra cup of Water…. That’s it! Just three simple ingredients that can almost always be found on-hand!  
mmm -  YummyFollow the original directions on the back of the Hamburger Helper Box, and add in the extra 3 ingredients. Stir and cook as usual. No extra cooking time needed!! 😉Finished ProductServe into a pretty bowl and add a garnish for fun! 🙂 Or, if nobody is looking…. GO AHEAD — Eat it right out of the pot! 😛

Easy, Yummy BBQ or Camping Potatoes!


 Ready to make the easiest, quickest, yummiest potatoes ever???!!! Not only are they perfect for BBQ-ing, these easy make-ahead-of-time potatoes make the ideal candidate for gourmet camping food!

Step 1 – Slice and Dice

Using a knife and cutting board, thinly slice the potatoes…. Or you can dice the potatoes!

Tip: thinner sliced potatoes will take less time to cook.

Option: I also like to add sliced onions and mushrooms to my potatoes for extra flavour! 🙂

Onions & Spice

Step 2 – Onions & Spice make all things nice!

Some of my favorite spices to use with potatoes are Thyme, Oregano, Garlic (fresh or powder), Onion Powder and of course, Salt & Pepper!

Tip: I like to mix everything all together in a big bowl to ensure that all of the spices are evenly distributed among the potatoes. 😉

Option: All of the spices listed above are optional… these potatoes  taste just as good all by themselves.

Step 3 – Butter makes things Better

Next, spread butter onto a large piece of foil. You may use several sheets of foil to make more than one potato packet.

Tip: I find that a spatula is the best tool to use for spreading butter onto foil.

Option: You can use margarine or a fat reduced oil for a healthier choice. 


Step 4 – Easy and MESS-FREE

Ahhh the foil potato packet fold…. looks tricky, but it’s not — really! All you do is fold in each of the 3 open edges of the packet several times, and viola! You are done!

Tip: Always double up with the foil, since it does puncture rather easily, especially when using sharp utensils to flip!

Step 5 – Bake & ENJOY!

Whether you choose the grill or the open flames, these potatoes will need at least 30 to 45 minutes to bake…. and the grill/fire must be HOT!

Tip: Poke the potatoes with a fork to ensure they are fully cooked.

Option: Place potatoes into your favourite serving dish, or — just scoop right out of the foil! 🙂