Clean that Old Dusty Bathroom Vent the Easy Way!

Clean that Old Dusty Bathroom Vent the Easy Way!

Oh that darn bathroom vent! It’s one of those hard to reach places that I always forget to clean! And when I do remember, I never have anything handy to stand on and reach it with, so I usually just say “Oh well, maybe next time?!”

Well not today my friends!

Today I just happened to look up and catch that dusty old bathroom vent out of the corner of my eye, and decided that it was going to get cleaned the easy way! Continue reading

Easy DIY Decor Ideas to Take Your Home to the Next Level!

Easy DIY Decor Ideas to Take You Home to the Next Level

Guess what! Tonight we are trying something new on The Project Pile… We are featuring our very first guest post, ever — Easy DIY Decor Ideas to Take Your Home to the Next Level! I’m so excited to introduce Jennifer Beaner of Cosy For You!

Tonight Jennifer is sharing a round up of Easy DIY Decor Ideas to Take Your Home to the Next Level! Her commentary is not only fun and witty, but also clever too, as she gives us helpful DIY tips along the way! Enjoy! Continue reading

10 Fabulous & Totally-Not-Boring Kitchen Backsplashes that will make your kitchen look like a Million Bucks!

Good day y’all! So lately, I have been dream, dream, dreaming about redoing my kitchen in a rustic-chic, elegant-but-bold, brick backsplash! Yes, I am going to actually do this…One day. (Hopefully sooner than later!)

I’ve been researching and creating my dream kitchen mood board, which I will be sharing with you once it is complete!

Putting this mood board together got me to’ thinking… What other fabulous and totally-not-boring kitchen backsplashes are out there? Are there any that I might like better than my very much dreamed about brick?!

Well, it turns out that there are actually some pretty darn fabulous and totally-not-boring backsplash ideas out there! Although brick is still number one on my list, I decided to create a top ten list of my favorite picks, just to share with you!

If I couldn’t get my brick backsplash, I would definitely have a tough time deciding what backsplash I would choose instead! I’m even secretly dreaming of implementing one of these fancy designs in the downstairs powder room! (Shh! Don’t tell my husband!)

So, here we go!

Brick Backsplash devised by Welke

Copper Backsplash devised by The Times New Roman

Corrugated Metal Backsplash devised by Unique Home Stays

White Arabesque Glass Tile devised by Subway Tile Outlet

Slate Backsplash devised by Make King

Reclaimed Wood Backsplash devised by Design Sponge

Marble Backsplash devised by Blood & Champagne

3-D Mosaic Backsplash devised by HGTV

Penny Round Tile Backsplash devised by Regan Baker Design Inc.

24K Gold Backsplash devised by New Ravenna

Obviously, I’m stuck on the brick! But, which one would you choose?!

Do you already have one of these designs in your kitchen or bathroom? Or do you have something else that is completely fabulous and totally-not-boring?! I would love to see! Post a pic in the comments, please!

Psst! Love these backsplashes, but looking for some ideas that are a little easier on the budget, yet will have a huge impact on any kitchen or bathroom?! Check out some of my special picks from Amazon, right here!

Toilet Paper Snowman!


OK… Today I decided to become a super-creative-genius! My husband doesn’t necessarily agree, ha — but come on…. this little guy is pretty-darn cute! Even better, he took like 5 seconds to make! (Ok, maybe like 5 minutes, but you get the point!)

All you need:

3 Toilet Paper Rolls

Black & Orange Markers

Mr. Potato’s Hat (Yes, that’s right… I stole my kids Mr. Potato hat — Genius!)

All I did was color on my snowman’s eyes, mouth, nose, buttons, arms and shoes… stuck a hat on top, and Viola! I hope that you enjoyed this super-simple, super-cute, super-fast, way to “Christmas-Up” the guest bathroom!