Mmm…. On a cold or rainy day, this chili is my go-to meal! Not only does this chili taste amazing — it’s also kind of a “cheater” chili, meaning that its so easy to make! I used canned beans, canned tomatoes and frozen vegetables — such a time saver! But remember, if you wanted to replace these canned items with fresh ingredients instead, you absolutely can! Oh and just in case you are wondering… the vegetables totally cancel out the bacon! 😉

What You’ll Need:
1 lb of hamburger
1 package of bacon
1 medium diced onion
1 can of bean medley (mixed beans)
1 can of baked beans (in maple sauce)
1 can of diced tomatoes
1 cup of frozen veggies (peas, carrots, corn, green and Lima beans)
1 cup of diced mushrooms
1 1/4 tsp of cumin or chili powder
1 tsp hot sauce
2 tbsp of ketchup
Step One: In a frying pan, saute hamburger, onions, mushrooms and bacon.
Tip: During this step is where you can throw in any extra seasoning if you like! Sometimes I’ll add oregano, thyme, or even just plain old salt and pepper.
Step Two: After the meat mixture has been prepared and drained, add the mixture plus all of your other ingredients into the crock pot.
Tip: If there are any veggies that you don’t totally love in this recipe, feel free to substitute them with some veggies that you do love!
Step Three: Turn the crock pot onto high and let everything simmer together for three to four hours.
Tip: If you are going to be away all day, turn your crock pot to the low setting rather than high…. this way it can simmer all day long and won’t burn!
Step Four: Serve your chili in a nice big bowl, and enjoy!
Tip: Cheesy garlic bread, or a nice soft bun with butter are the perfect addition to this meal…. oh and maybe a nice big glass of red wine too! 🙂