Have you ever been to a cooking class before?! I’ve been to a couple now that are held at The Great Canadian Superstore, and they have been great!
One of these cooking classes is where I finally learned how to properly batter something in bread crumbs and I’m about to share the very simple and easy process with you!
I’ve used pork chops here in my example, but really you could use anything! Fish, mushrooms, pickles… Cheese!

All you need are these three items (plus whatever it is that you plan on battering!)…
Bread Crumbs.
Depending on how much I have to batter, I usually start with three or four eggs, and add more as I need it.
I also like to use bowls that are about the same size as whatever I am battering. You will need 3 bowls, total!

I beat my eggs in one bowl, and leave them in there. In another bowl, I start off with about one cup of flour, and again, just add more as I need it. In the third bowl is where I put my bread crumb mixture. For these pork chops, I used Panko with Italian flavored seasoning, but you can use whatever is your favorite!

The first step, is to dip it in the flour and make sure it is fully covered.

Next, you take it, and dip it in the egg, making sure that the flour is fully saturated.

Then, finally, you roll it in the bread crumbs!
So, repeat after me… Step one, flour. Step two, egg. Step three, bread crumbs. So simple, right?!
Now here’s the kicker… If you are like me, and love extra, extra crispiness, then you are going to do this. Flour, egg, bread crumbs…


And if you want even more crispiness, just continue with egg, bread crumbs… egg, bread crumbs.

It’s really that easy, and it’s really that delicious! Go on, give it a try, and let me know how you like it!