If you are looking for a really quick and simple way to update your backyard this spring, this DIY painted flower box sign is a very easy way to add a little bit of character to your backyard.

The cute little shed in my backyard had already had a flower box under the window, but it was starting to rot and completely falling apart… Plus it was just a little boring! Therefore, I decided to build a brand new flower box.
Rather than spend money on new materials, I just used an old deck board that I found behind the shed. The dimensions that I used to build this box were (WxHxD), 24″ x 4″ x 6″. I chose the dimensions of my box based on the size of barn board that I had, but you can make your box any size that you like!

Don’t forget to leave gaps for drainage so your flowers don’t drown when there is a heavy rainfall. My dimensions actually worked out perfect so that when I centered the bottom board a 1″ gap was left on each side for drainage.

After my DIY flower box was all assembled, I needed to fasten my piece of barn board to it. To do this, I nailed the barn board to the front of the box with finishing nails.
This piece of barn board came from my parent’s farm, and I had been saving it for a couple of years for some weird, random, perfect project, such as this!
I then used stencils and white paint to write the word “Welcome” across the front, but you can write anything that you like!

Once it was dry, I fastened it to my shed wall, filled it with soil and then added some pretty flowers. That’s it! It’s amazing how one simple little DIY project can have such a large impact, and completely take your curb appeal to the next level!
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