The Ultimate Hospital Baby Checklist!

1Anticipating the birth of your new baby is one of the most exciting times of your life! It can also be one of the most stressful, especially if it is your first born, and even if it’s not your first, no two pregnancies are exactly alike. Making sure that you are prepared for when baby comes can be such a fun, but also such a huge process! To help ease a little of the stress for your new baby’s arrival, use the below checklist to help you pack and be all ready for the big day!

Psst! Click here for the Printable Version: The Ultimate Hospital Baby Checklist

To help keep you super organized, I have broken down this checklist into 5 different sections:

  • Packing for Mommy
  • Packing for Partner
  • Packing for Siblings
    • Note: If the new baby is your first, just ignore this section!
  • Packing for Baby
  • If Bottle Feeding
    • Note: If you are planning to breastfeed, just ignore this section!

Packing for Mommy

Packing for Mommy is so important! Could you imagine if you didn’t have your bag packed in time and your husband or partner had to end up doing it for you?! Oh boy…. I can just imagine what my husband would pack for me, and it’s not a good thought! Of course, if he used this checklist, it might not be sooo bad….

The first item on the list is the Birthing Plan. A birthing plan is created in order for you to easily communicate your personal preferences to the medical professionals that will be assisting you. It should include things such as your pain management plan, labor/delivery and your “after delivery” preferences.

Just remember that although you have created a special birth plan just for you, you may need to be flexible since labor and delivery can be somewhat unpredictable. Personally, for my first, I did not create a birth plan…. All I knew was that I didn’t want any of that “oxytocin stuff”! And sure enough, as soon as I got there, the first thing they did was put me on it, (my luck in life, of course!). Long story, short…. everything turned out just fine!

If you don’t have your birthing plan created yet, check out this great template offered by the Baby Center: My Birth Preferences

The next items on the Packing for Mommy list include some key wardrobe pieces! You’ll of course want to pack some Comfy Jammies or a Nighty, because who really wants to wear one of those beautiful hospital gowns, anyways?! I would recommend packing at least 2 pairs, one being an old grubby pair to use during delivery, and the other to comfortably relax in after baby has been born.

You’ll also want to bring some Warm Socks because sometimes your feet can get really cold during labor and delivery, and let’s face it…. There’s nothing worse than having cold feet! You’ll also want to make sure that you bring a comfy pair of slip-resistant Slippers, in case you end up walking around pacing the halls to try and get your labor moving along!

You’ll also need to pack your regular “going-away” necessities such as your Hair Brush, Toothbrush and other Toiletries. Although I’m sure that brushed hair and clean teeth will be the last thing on your mind!

If you’re planning on breastfeeding, you’ll definitely want to make sure that you pack some comfortable Nursing Bras. These specially designed bras will just make your life a heck of a lot easier!

I would also recommend packing at least 4 pairs of old Comfy Underwear. Trust me, you’re at the hospital for the sole purpose of birthing your baby, and not to look pretty down there!

Although the hospital may provide these, you’ll want to bring your own Breast Pads and Maxi Pads. You may go through them quicker than you think and this way you will be able to change them at your own pace, and not wait for a medical professional to have to retrieve them for you.

To top off the wardrobe/fashion criteria, don’t forget your Going Home Outfit! I suggest packing something super comfy, and super stretchy! It’s really hard to say how much you will shrink right after having baby…. It could be a lot, or it could be barely noticeable depending on your body type.

Next, you’ll want to make sure that you pack a few things to help you keep relaxed and distracted during your stay! These things include, but are definitely not limited to, Music and Magazines, Phone and Phone Charger, and your Laptop or Tablet.

Also remember to pack some cash or Change for the vending machines! You never know how long you’ll be there for, and if you get a craving, you’ll want to quench it! The hospital that I go to actually has a Tim Horton’s in it…. Mmm, yummy!

Packing for Partner

The next section of the checklist covers Packing for Partner. Whether you take this task upon yourself or have them do it, there are definitely some essentials that they’ll be thankful to have with them.

Number one on the list is Comfy Shoes! Do you notice a theme here? Comfy, comfy, and super comfy! It’s true! There’s absolutely no telling how long this exciting process will take, and whether it be 2 hours or 2 days, I can guarantee that you’ll both be completely exhausted by the end of it! And since you both may be there for a while, your partner should also have an extra Change of Clothes.

 Also, make sure your partner packs their Camera! Whether you are planning on just taking photos, or planning on filming the entire thing, you’ll definitely need this! Some hospitals may have their own policy regarding videotaping, so be sure to check it out before you get there.

Your partner may also end up getting a little bored if your sweet little baby ends up taking their sweet little time coming out, therefore they should also bring their own Magazines, Phone and Charger, and other means of distraction.

They may also end up getting a little hungry too, so make sure that they bring a few Drinks and Snacks, as well as some Change for the vending machines!

Packing for Siblings

The third section is the Packing for Siblings section of the checklist…. And if you don’t yet have any other children, you can just browse on by this part – or, maybe you have pets! You could always pack a bag for them! J Which reminds me to remind you, that if you have pets, you’ll want to make prior arrangements for your pets to be looked after for when the big event happens!

Now back to siblings! Like pets, you’ll also need to make prior arrangements for your children to be looked after…. An aunt, grandparent, or even neighbor. I actually have all three lined up for when this baby arrives, because you never know what day or what time that it will happen, and who will be busy at that specific time!

Regardless of who your children/child stays with, you’ll definitely want to have their bag all ready and packed to go. I recommend packing at least 2 or 3 Outfits per child, one or two pairs of Pajamas, (just in case!), and a few pairs of Socks and Underwear or Diapers if they are still in that stage.

They will also need their Hair Brush and Toothbrush, as well as any other Toiletries they may use. Be sure to pack any daily medication that your child may need as well!

Packing their favorite Books or Toys may also be a good idea. This may help them feel a little more comfortable when being away from home! I also plan to pack a little surprise gift and a little note in my daughter’s suitcase for her…. Just for fun! J

And if it’s winter time, don’t forget their Boots, Jacket, and any other winter gear that they may need!

Packing for Baby

Awe, Packing for Baby…. Now we get to the special and fun part! Picking out new outfits for new baby is definitely fun! Knowing exactly what size your baby will be when born however, can be a little bit tricky. I recommend packing at least 2 or 3 Sleepers, with at least one being in the “newborn” range, and one being in the “0-3 months” range. This helps to ensure that baby will be nice and cozy in a comfy, proper fitting sleeper. Some sleepers have “footies”, and some don’t, so be sure to include Socks and Booties if you need to!

Hats and Mittens are also a must for keeping baby warm! Plus the mittens will also help to keep baby from scratching her delicate skin with her delicate and probably somewhat sharp nails.

The hospital will more than likely have their own blankets and be able to provide you with them, but I would recommend bringing along a few extras, just in case. One or two soft Cuddly Blankets to keep baby warm and snuggly in, and about 4 or 5 Receiving Blankets to use during feeding.

Bringing your own Diapers and Wipes is also important. The hospital will more than likely have some there for you to use, but they won’t necessarily be the same brand that you are planning to use…. Especially if you are planning to use cloth diapers! The hospital will also likely provide you with Vaseline only, so you might want to bring along your own Diaper Cream as well.

Most hospitals will also require you to bring your Infant Car Seat right into the hospital and show it to them, before they will let you leave. It’s also a good idea to have your car seat base installed before the big day and to know how it works. Each car seat is different, and they all seem to be tricky!

If it’s winter time, then you’ll also want to make sure that you pack a Jacket or Snowsuit for your baby. Just remember that there are some suggested guidelines regarding using snow suits in car seats. You can read more about it here: Car Seats & Snow Suits

Another optional item to remember to pack for baby are Soothers, if you are planning on using them. Soothers work great for some babies and not so great for others, so don’t be discouraged if your little one just isn’t into it…. It’s completely normal!

If Bottle-Feeding

If you are not planning on bottle-feeding, then please disregard this section! But if you are, definitely stay tuned!

This section is one of the main reasons that I wanted to create this “Ultimate Hospital Baby Checklist”. If you research this topic, there really doesn’t seem to be a lot out there for help, when it comes to what to pack for the hospital if you are a “bottle-feeding-mamma”, so if you are planning to bottle-feed, I really hope that you find this helpful!

Most hospitals will have disposable bottles and formula on hand, however, they usually only carry one brand. This means that you will want to bring your own Formula to use, since it’s not the best idea to start switching around your newborn’s type of formula if you really don’t have to. My hospital actually advised me to bring not only my own formula, but my own Sterilized Bottles and Sterilized Nipples as well. I also personally decided to use the Disposable Bottle Liners by Playtex as well. Trust me, your hospital stay will be much easier if you and your partner don’t have to worry about washing dishes!

Remember that you will also need Sterilized Water to mix your formula as well. You might want to check with your hospital ahead of time to see if they have an electric Tea Kettle that you can use, or if you should bring your own. And if you are premixing your formula ahead of time, remember that you will need some means to heat it up for baby. Unfortunately, microwaves are not the best option since they tend to heat the milk particles from the inside out, and can create “hidden” heat pockets that may be harmful to your baby. That is why I recommend that you also pack a Bottle Warmer, or even just a Mug that you can put hot water in to use to heat your bottles.

Remember that whether you decide to bottle-feed or breast-feed, that the decision is up to you, and what works well for one, may not work well for another!

How to Clean & Organize (When you really don’t want to!)

10This room is soooo messy and embarrassing, you aren’t even getting one tiney-tiny little shot of the disaster zone! My daughter went through this little phase where she would open all of the cupboards and drawers and pull EVEREYTHING out…. And after numerous attempts of piecing the room back together, I just finally gave up! This room is actually my “Zebra Dressing/Craft Room”…. Meaning it’s full of tiny little things, like make-up, nail polish, jewelry, paint, glue, beads, ribbon, etc…. all of the stuff that gets super messy, tangled up, and super unorganized! (Hey – that sounds a lot like my life, just in general! Lol)
Ok, so….. Where to start? Where to start?! Well after just standing there staring for awhile, I decided the best place to start was to clear off the countertop. I started by organizing everything into separate piles for general categories: Hair Stuff, Make-Up & Lotions, Nail Polish, Craft Stuff, Home Décor & of course, a miscellaneous/to-be-sorted-later pile. I also created a donation pile and of course, a garbage pile! Anything that I no longer use was put into either of these piles…. One major thing to remember is that all creams, lotions and even makeup have expiration dates! This helps a lot when deciding whether to keep or pitch something!1 Looking pretty good, right?! NOT! Still a super-long ways to go!!!!
Ok, so…. Next? Next, I wiped down all of the counter space, just to make it look like I was making a little more progress!

2Now, see these drawers and cupboards?! I am going to take full advantage of them! I am going to go through each one, one at a time, and sort all of the contents into the piles that I mentioned above, and then each pile will be transferred into one of the cupboards or drawers.

3Ok, so here they are! All emptied and wiped down! Looking good – for real this time!

4And my cupboards…. Empty and clean!

5By emptying and cleaning everything, I’ve sort of accomplished the feeling of starting with a clean slate! So now, it’s time to put everything back together…. Before just throwing everything all jumbled back into the cupboards and drawers, I made a plan of what is going to go where.

6As you can see in the photo above, I still decided to keep a miscellaneous or better known as a “junk drawer” – because let’s face it, you are always going to end up with some things that don’t fit into a dedicated category, or that you just don’t have the heart to throw out!
By following my above drawer layout plan, I was able to neatly put everything back into my drawers and cupboards! Also, if you feel that you are going to have a little bit of trouble keeping everything neat and organized, check out some of these great Drawer Organizer from!
I then gave the room a little vacuum, fussed a little with the décor, and voila! All finished!


How NOT to Potty Train your Toddler!

How NOT to potty train your toddler!!!!


Oh potty training… It sounds so simple, right?! I know that some little ones do amazing and get it right away… but for some moms (like me), it can be an absolute nightmare! Well, we are still working on it over here, so I can’t give you some miracle solution… But — What I can definitely give you, is advice on how NOT to potty train your toddler!


Do NOT ask your child if they need to go potty. This is a major mistake that I am definitely guilty of. Instead of “asking” your child to go potty, “tell” them to go potty! Asking gives them a choice, while “telling” does not! Continue reading

How to Easily Remove Nail Polish from your Carpet!

6Aww, cutsie-little toddler toes! My two-year old beautiful daughter, Miss Lacee Grace, just loves having her nails done! The only problem is…. that she is two going on ten — and now thinks she can paint her nails all by herself! Eeeek!!! Yes, go ahead and judge my parenting skills — epic fail, I know! No matter where I hide it, that little one always finds it! And so, hence today’s post: How to Easily Remove Nail Polish from your Carpet! I thought that it was going to be a super-difficult task, but it turns out that it was way easier to get the nail polish out than I ever would have expected! (And as you can see, my carpet is unfortunately, white-ish!)

Let me introduce you to my new secret-little-weapon — Rubbing Alcohol! That’s all you need here…. well, a little bit of rubbing alcohol, some cold water to rinse at the end, and an old rag! So simple!

The first thing that I did was pour some rubbing alcohol on the stain, and let it soak into the carpet for about 10 minutes.


Next, I took an old rag and started scrubbing! Scrub, scrub, scrub! (If it doesn’t seem to be coming out easily, try adding just a little more rubbing alcohol while you are scrubbing!)


And to my amazement — It started working! See?! See?!


I scrubbed for about two minutes, and then it was all clean! Next I rinsed my rag with cold water and gave the carpet another little scrub just to help dilute any rubbing alcohol that hadn’t fully evaporated yet.


I couldn’t believe how well and how fast this trick worked!

[If you are interested in some more handy tips and tricks that my amazing, new secret-little-weapon — Rubbing Alcohol, is also really good at, check out this post from my friend Courtenay, over at The Creek Line House10 Almost Life-Changing Uses for Rubbing Alcohol!]


Magical Morning Coffee – The best trick ever!

4Hey Coffee Lovers! Do you love coffee as much as I do? Its my fav, and I do not function properly without it… Recently, I have discovered the most simple, yet most magical little trick to make my morning coffee even more special! And by special — I mean extra frothy! And no — you don’t need any extra special, fancy coffee machines!

All you need to do is take your coffee cream, and before you put it into your coffee…. shake it up! And I mean shake it, vigorously! (Exercise & coffee? Bonus!)…. Then add the cream into your coffee, stir as normal, and enjoy!

It may sound absolutely silly, but don’t knock it until you try it! I did it once and have never looked back! 😉

Vinegar & Water De-Icer — Does this really work?!

2Well, here in south-eastern Ontario we have finally been hit with our first snowstorm of the season, yahhhhh!!!!!! (And no, I’m not being sarcastic!)

Although I am absolutely so excited about finally getting some snow…. my truck windshield and windows are now completely covered with ice!

Every year, I see and read tons of blogs and blips about mixing water and vinegar to use as a car window de-icer…. and every year I think “Hey — What a great idea… I must try this!”…. And every year, I never do…. Until now!

Just about every recipe using vinegar and water that I read, called for about 1 part water and 3 parts vinegar. So, I found myself a nifty spray bottle and started mixing.

I then took a beautiful “before” picture of my truck window, and then started a-spraying! I then started waiting…. and waiting…. and waiting. Nothing happened! If anything, the sprayed mixture just created another layer of ice on my window… Eek!

Thanks to my simple little experiment, I can now safely tell you not to waste your time, it does not work! However, that being said, further research indicates that vinegar may be used to prevent ice build up, but whether or not this actually works, I cannot say.

If you have tried this and had a different outcome, please let me know! And for more tips & tricks on keeping your windows ice-free, check this awesome Creek Line House post out: Handy tips to de-ice your car and windshield!

Memoirs of a 178 year-old Farmhouse – Wallpaper Edition

Welcome to the very first edition of, Memoirs of a 178 year-old Farmhouse! This is the very old, (and very intriguing) farmhouse that I grew up in, and of which my parents still reside in, to this very day. This house was built in 1838, and is one containing somewhat of a colorful history, as at one time, it was an inn with a saloon, bordering the railway tracks in the now sometimes forgotten, community of Anson, Ontario.13

I have always been completely intrigued and fascinated with this farmhouse, whether it be antique and treasure hunting, ghost stories, or just plain research and facts. One of the remarkable things about this beautiful old farmhouse is that believe it or not, there are still a few rooms in the home containing the original wallpaper…. and oh — what wallpaper it is!

This is the wallpaper that can be found in the old saloon, or in what we refer to as “the Bar-Room”. In this tiny room, you can actually tell exactly where the bar tender stood, as that spot in the floor is worn down and indented. My parents absolutely hate this wallpaper, but I of course, love it! It looks a little orange-y in the photos, but don’t be fooled… it is pretty pink!15

Below is the wallpaper from the old basement stairway…. I can’t be sure, but I assume that it would have consumed the entire kitchen at one point in time. It is definitely tied in first place with the bar-room wallpaper, as my favorite! 14

The most ornate original room left in the house, is the room that was at one time used as the parlor room. It has beautiful wooden moldings around the windows and doors, and beautiful intricate wooden paneling beneath the windows.     16

Connected to the parlor room of the house, is what once would have been the “Picture Room”. This room would have been full of photos…. I can only imagine what it would have been like, back in its prime…. (If only wallpaper could talk!)17

I hope you enjoyed this first edition of, Memoirs of a 178 year-old Farmhouse! Lots more to come, as I cannot wait to share more with you!
















How To Create: The Perfect Jello Shot!

2Jello shooters are my favorite type of shot… They taste delicious and go down easy — perfect for getting the party started!

It took me many years, many half-set shots, and even a few straws and bowls to perfect the perfect jello shot! Some have even referred to me as the Jello Shooter Queen… and now my friends, it is time that I shared this knowledge with you!

What you’ll need:

  • 1 pack of Jello
  • 1 cup of boiling Water
  • 1 cup of Vodka or Rum
  • Disposable Shooter Cups

All you need to do, is follow the directions on the back of the jello pack, but replace the cold water with Vodka or Rum. Next fill your disposable shooter cups. (I usually get about 24 shots per package of jello)… Chill in the fridge and let set for at least 2 hours. Serve and enjoy!

Tip: I always mix my jello shots in a large measuring cup… this way, they are easy to pour into the shooter cups!


The Best Toilet Bowl & Sink Cleaner – EVER!


Want to know what the best sink & toilet bowl cleaner is — ever?! You’re never going to guess!!!
Its…. Mouthwash!!!!! How did I discover this super-weird phenomenon? Well, let’s just say… laziness + don’t ask!
All you need to do, is use mouthwash like you would any other regular, household cleaner. So simple, and it smells so good!

Make The Best Pizza Ever!



Want to make the BEST PIZZA ever??! Its really not that hard! Time after time, I make pizza for my guests and they love it…. and they always want to know what is my secret?! 😉

So what is my secret? Well, it’s not only superb — but super-simple too! The answer is…. Even distribution, but of course! All you have to do, is take all of your toppings (including the cheese), and mix them together in a bowl before spreading them on your pizza! Secretly Superb!