Oh Christmas! I started decorating for Christmas really early this year, and shopping! But somehow, I’m just finally finishing now… And Christmas is almost here! Oh life!
This year, I decided to head out to The Project Pile sitting out in the garage and pull out some of my favorite pieces that I have been saving for certain rooms in my home, that I just have not gotten to yet. And I’m actually really excited to finally share some of my precious finds with you!
Now, let’s get to the home tour! (Lots of pics for you this year!)
I started out with my tree this year. I posted about this earlier, in an article called Why I decided to spend a little more money on my Christmas Decor!

(And oh my goodness… I just noticed the little red fuzzy hanging out in this pic! Photo fail! LOL!)
My whole “white-feather” Christmas tree was inspired by this mini white feather Christmas tree, that I purchased last year at the end of the season.

This little tree gave me the idea to create a garland out of white feather boas. If you like this look and would like to learn how to create your own, you can check it out here.

I put my tree in a new spot this year. (I think I actually might have put one tree here the first year that we moved here, and had three trees because I was in some super-crazy Christmas-spirit-trance! That was also back in the days before kids…)

I’ve started referring to this section of the house as the “teacup room”, since this is where I now am able to display my beautiful antique teacups.

Two from my grandmother, and two from my mother-in-law, Judy… I just love them!

I also have my barn windows hanging in this area of our home.

These were used for the seating charts in our Autumn Harvest Barn Wedding!

Now… moving into the dining room!

I really wanted to incorporate a few of my antique pieces into my table setting, so I used this antique wood and copper tray that I was able to pick up a few months ago… And I finally got to use my antique bowling pins! I picked these up in Michigan a couple of summers ago, and they’ve just been sitting in The Project Pile, waiting for the perfect moment to shine!

Over on my antique buffet I finally decided to pull out some beauties that I have been saving for my laundry room… But it currently has a leaky ceiling, so that definitely needs to be fixed first!

(Psst! Like my pears?! They’re kinda Christmasy, right?! A partridge in a pear tree!!!)

I found this pretty glass washboard at a flea market two summers ago! It’s going to look pretty stellar on my laundry room wall! Someday…

I also found this beautiful antique laundry roller at the same flea market. I paid $50 for it, but I have seen them online for up to $600! Total score! It’s also going to look awesome in my future laundry room makeover!

Up above on my oak shelves, are some pretty stoneware plates that my good friend gave me to put up there when I first got the shelves. I haven’t done any research yet, but I’m betting that they are pretty old too!

I’ve also got a few pieces from my antique bottle collection mixed in on these shelves, as well as the massive cast iron and wooden antique pulley from the farm where I grew up.

All of these bottles were personally hand dug from the fence-lines of the 179 year-old farmhouse. These are just a few of hundreds that have been found! (Someday maybe I’ll actually get to cataloging them!)
I’m so happy that I’ve finally started pulling some more collectibles out of The Project Pile, so I can actually enjoy them in my home, as well as share them with you!
Here’s to looking forward to seeing what I can dig out for next time!